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Wax Coating Apple Fruits-Healthy or Unhealthy

Everyone's heard about an apple a day keeps a doctor away. Fiber-rich, crisp and juicy apples are the good source of Vitamins, so we usually use it in our diet. Apple is consider as the Healthiest food in the world. Some of the benefits of apple are: Get whiter, healthier teeth,improved lung function,Protect against Parkinson’s,Curb all sorts of cancers, Decrease your risk of diabetes,Neutralize irritable bowel syndrome,Detoxify your liver,Boost your immune system.You may not know that there is use of wax in the outer cover of the Apple.Most of the whole sellers and the distributors use the wax for improving visual freshness and the appearance. The wax resist moisture loss and makes slow downs the ripening process of the apple and makes long last.If you want to remove wax from the apple you can use vinegar. The vinegar not only removes the wax but also residue the pesticide used in the fruit.Or you can also use water, lemon and baking soda to get rid of the wax used in the apple.Just check out the video to find how much wax does a apple contains.