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Video:Nepal Police caught boy and girl dating

Having you gone dating with your beloved one? The movement with the beloved is Awesome. You will feel a different Happiness in both of you. If not try once, but Beware of Nepal Police. The video attached with this article will tells you the matter behind the dating if the police caught you.
Now a day’s couples caught from the hotels from different parts of the country is common. If you give your eyes to the Newspaper at least news will be related with $ex scandal of couple. But a common question to the government is what the government is doing to emulate this matter. To catch the couples and make them marry is that the right solution.
Just check out the video how the police are responding the couples. Having sex by their wish, is that belongs to the crime?

Is their duty to make marry the couples? Sometimes cutting the hairs of citizens, some time marring the couples, what the revolution they are thinking to do? There are enough Crimes matter to solve, criminals are openly roaming in the society it will be better and meaningful if they care more about that side.


  1. give them lesion not a punishment that will be better for them and for whole country too .

    1. खुलम्खुल्ला हिनेका अपराधी लाई समात्नु त कता हो कता अब कपाल काट्ने,बिबाह गरिदिने काम गर्दै छ वा वा नेपाल प्रहरी
