The Unemployment problem is raising in Nepal. Here prostitution also seems the reason behind Unemployment.Many of the girls and women are Compelled for this because of their financial Problems. They think about the instant earning and follow the job. But the Society looks them and that type job in the worst way. In many of the Countries this type of work is Legalized in certain areas. This type of job mislead the young stars the government should address them in Time.In the narrow streets of Kathmandu we can find many things commonly. Some of them are poverty, illiteracy drug use, commercial sex work. This may be cause of poverty, illiteracy and Unemployment. The Thamel area is famous for Tourism,Not only that its also famous of Nightlife. and Ratna park area seems and famous for commercial sex work in illegal way. This illegal way prostitution creates the crime and risk to society too. So,the best way is the Legalization of prostitution. Not only this the government should provide regular health check up programs, education about reproductive health for the $ex workers. licensing system must be with there with age restriction.
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