The daily headlines of the news are full of crimes. One of the most crimes is the r@pe. This crime has been seen too much around the society. If this situation go out of control it a great shame to the humanity. These types of crime must be totally stopped.
One of the Leader of UML Sher Bhadhur Tamang has told that there must a strict law against so that we can stop this crime totally. Writing in face book status he told that it a too much shame that the crime is increasing too much a now we must make a law in which must cut his sexual organ. That will be the best way to erase this type of crimes from the society.
Now in our law if a man for the r@pe case proves the man is in rape he/she will come out of jail with in 2 to 4 years. So the better way to cut the sexual organ so that thinking of the species he would stop these types of works.
This causes long term and short term effects to the victim. This affects in the mental, physical and spiritual of the person. This r@pe causes Anger and blame, Shock, helplessness, Fear Self-blame, Loss of mental control to the victim. Disorientation and Sense of vulnerability are also the effects of the effects on the victim.SO that must be totally emulated from the society.


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