Now day's people are so advanced from technology's new innovation. Technology is really doing a great valuation of human's life and daily routine. From early morning to late night, every seconds man is in touch with technology.
especially internet has a big value in daily life. According to the Oxford Dictionary, internet means "a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected network using standardized communication protocols.
Can you imagine a second without computer/internet? The common answer will be NO. we can't imagine a single nano seconds without it, because we are so connected to internet that its so difficult to get rid of it. social sites are providing commutation when feel to watch the world through the internet, YouTube is always ready with different video channels to entertain you with and Google is always ready to provide you the solutions for your problems.
Now a days its misuse ratio also getting high. E-mail spamming, pranksters, time wastage, hacking, posting a fake advertisement, cyber bullying, privacy, identity theft and porn etc. is the main problem on the internet. Going to present a video, related with in internet blackmailing in the Hong Kong. How any one can be create tension or headache on the internet? Now a day's world's people facing like this type of problem. Watch from your eyes and be careful when going to use the internet and with internet friends.
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