Now actor-comedian Sunil Grover is all set to return on television with the Indian Idol Finale on Sunday night. Sunil is scheduled to perform as Dr Mashoor Gulati and Rinku Bhabhi, the characters he played on The Kapil Sharma Show on the Grand Finale of the music reality show tonight and fans cannot wait for his return. Singer Sonu Nigam, one of the judges of Indian Idol and a fan of the comedian, tweeted about the 'epic' act which was shot with Sunil Grover for the finale.
"This performance in Idol Finale, that we partially shot last night, is Epic (sic)," Sonu tweeted on Saturday night. Sunil Grover, who is still under contract with Sony, the channel which airs both Kapil's show and Indian Idol, wrote: "It was an honour for me to share the esteemed stage with you. Looking forward to this mind blowing finale on Sony tonight."
Thank U Sir! It was an honour for me to share the esteemed stage with you. Looking forward to this mind blowing finale on Sony tv tonight.
? Sunil Grover (@WhoSunilGrover)
While Raju has joined the team of The Kapil Sharma Show in what may be a permanent slot, he has been at pains to say that he is not a replacement of Sunil. “I met Sunil recently. He was shooting for Indian Idol right next to where we were shooting for our show. He told me, ‘Raju Bhai, you know me since so long. It’s not like I’m arrogant ya Mujhe koi popularity ka Nasha hue hai. But mere faith bahut galat hua hai. I’ll not come back on the show. Agar Kapil sudhar jaye, phir bhi main vapis nai aaunga,” Raju Srivastava told Hindustan Times.
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