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Tattoos That Will Leave You Speechless

A tattoo is art on a body made by inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment. Simply we can also define tattoos by saying a symbolism in a body.We can divide the tattoos into two groups as per their type.

1) Traumatic tattoos :Traumatic tattoos are mainly caused by Accidental matters. The tattoos may be formatted by the forceful penetration of foreign matter in the skin.
 2 ) professional tattoos :The tattoos made by Professional tattoo artists are expert tattooists 
 3)Amateur tattoos :The tattoos are created by non-professionals and easily remove by treatment.
4)Medical Tattoos:This types of tattoos created for medical treatment. Commonly used for radiation therapy 
 5)Cosmetic Tattoos :cosmetic tattoos are created to get rid of daily make up applications.Lip stick ;eyeliner,blush are the example of cosmetic tattoos.

There seems health risk of making tattoos.There may seems health risks and infection because of it. In some case there seems allergic reactions in body too. But the new technology. Although we must use unsterilized tattoo equipment ,In case of this disease hepatitis, herpes simplex virus, HIV, staph, tetanus, and tuberculosis we must have to be more careful.
Chinchorro mummy in Peru is The oldest evidence of extant tattoo. It is known as 6000 BC old Tattoo.

Now the technology has made us easy. We can remove all types of of tattoos even professional one using tattoo removal lasers.


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