Normally pranks also known as practical jokes. A prank refers joke played on someone for laugh creating confusion to the victim. Pranks fooled the man creating the confusion over their thought. The main aim of the prank is to fool the victim. Although prank named as a gag, joke, jape their main intention is to fool and make laugh the people.
Mostly on April first the April Fools' Day is observed to make other pranks throughout the Western world. Although there is no explanation with the day, but there seems the reason Gregorian calendar to replace by the old Julian calendar in 1582 as per the advice of Pope Gregory XIII.
Most of the pranks videos are found on YouTube. The most popular PvP mostly features videos of pranks. The materials in the video are pulling against each other and sometimes public embarrassment, where they do embarrassing tasks in public. Jesse Wellens & Jeana Smith have managed that channel on YouTube for better pranks.
The prank is simple you can create confusion to anybody. Enjoy in the office, at home or in any other places. Most of the children make their parents pranks acting sleepy before they arrive. Girls mostly act as fake vomits to make their boyfriend prank. Chewing gum bugs, exploding cigars, stink bombs, costumes, whoopee cushion, exploding cigars and stink bombs are the other examples of pranks.
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